Sabtu, 08 Desember 2012

I Miss You Chapter 2

#currentmood: wanna die. would you kill me?
#currentsong: tak pernah setengah hati - tompi


Title                      : Miss You, Can You Feel That?
Author                  : Yadd
Type                     : Straight
Genre                   : Romance
Cast                      : Shin Soowon (author); Shin Jewon (Pippo itu Fifah); Kim Sungkyung (Tamiko); Shim Changmin (TVXQ member); Kim Junsu (TVXQ member)
Summary             :  sungguh… aku sangat merindukanmu… Apa kamu juga merasakan hal yang sama?

“BADA~!!! Baguskan, chagiya?”

“Ne. Apalagi matahari senjanya…”

“Tapi tidak ada yang bisa mengalahkan indahnya chagiyaku ini!”

“Hahahahaha… Dasar gombal~!”

“Aku serius!”


“Tentu saja, Chagiya… kenapa kamu tidak percaya padaku?”

“Iya iya, aku percaya kok, Kim Junsu ku sayang…”

“Aish… bagaimana aku bisa sedih mendengarmu memanggilku seperti itu.”

“Hehehehe… Kan aku Shin Soowonnya Kim Junsu…”

“Tentu saja, selamanya!”

*end of flashback*


Aku berjalan di tepi pantai, membiarkan air laut membasahi kakiku… hangatnya terasa hingga membuat mataku panas ataukah air laut yang hangat itu masuk ke tubuhku dan keluar dari mataku? Entahlah. Yang aku tahu, ini namanya menangis.

Kepalaku terasa sangat berat dengan berbagai memori.

Kim Junsu... aku sedang berada di pantai… apa kamu iri? Langitnya sangat bagus. Harusnya kamu ke sini… aku… aku… aku merindukanmu…

“Soowon-ah… kenapa kamu basah?” tanya Sungkyung ketika aku memasuki rumah, rupanya dia belum pulang setelah membantuku mengurus rumah.

“Tidak apa kok eonni…”


“Aku capek, eon. Aku mau istirahat…” aku berjalan meninggalkan Sungkyung yang menatapku dengan tatapan khawatir. Rasa bersalah menghantuiku. Tidak seharusnya aku bersikap seperti ini pada Sungkyung. Dia selalu baik padaku dan juga mengurusiku. Bahkan walaupun kami tidak punya hubungan darah, dia memperlakukanku seperti adik kandungannya. Tapi kepalaku benar-benar pusing. Aku tidak tahu apa yang harus aku lakukan…

Sesampainya di kamar, aku segera menghempaskan tubuhku ke ranjang. Kumpulan memori itu terus saja berputar-putar di kepalaku membuat air mataku kembali turun. Sial! Seberapa kerasnya usahaku menghapus air mata itu, dia selalu saja bisa muncul kembali. Hingga akhirnya aku jatuh tertidur…

“Junsu-ah, mianhae…” aku menatap lekat laki-laki yang berdiri di hadapanku itu. Jantungku berdegup kencang, entah mengapa… aku merasa sesuatu akan terjadi. Apa itu sesuatu yang buruk? Aku harap bukan…

“Kamu tidak perlu minta maaf, Soowon-ah. Kamu tidak salah. Tidak ada yang salah.” Jakunnya naik turun saking seringnya dia menelan ludah. Matanya terus memandang ke luar jendela. “Sudah, kamu istirahat sana biar keadaanmu lebih baik. Besok ada ujian, kan?” Junsu menghindari bertemu pandang denganku.

“Junsu-ah, kenapa kamu selalu menghindar setiap kita membicarakan ini?” aku merasa sedikit kesal.

“Aku tidak pernah menghindari apa pun!”

“Aku minta maaf karena saat itu aku tidak datang, aku minta maaf karena…”

“Soowon-ah, selama ini aku berusaha mengerti kejadian itu, berusaha mengerti kamu, berusaha mengerti keadaan ini! Jadi aku mohon, jangan bahas ini lagi!” Junsu balik memandangku lekat. Dia kemudian menghela napas pelan. “Jujur aku belum bisa mengerti keadaan ini. Tapi tolong aku minta sama kamu, ngerti aku juga!”

“Aku mengerti Junsu-ah! Sangat mengerti! Aku tahu aku salah sudah melanggar janji kita, apalagi ada orang tuamu! Tapi… Sungkyung itu sudah seperti kakakku sendiri! Kamu tahu tidak bagaimana rasanya melihat orang yang dekat padamu terkapar di jalan penuh darah! Kamu yang tidak mengerti aku!”

Junsu memejamkan matanya, menarik napas dalam, lalu kembali memalingkan wajah. “Mungkin kamu benar, Soowon-ah, kita tidak baik-baik saja. Kita berusaha saling mengerti satu sama lain, nyatanya kita tidak bisa. Kita sama-sama tidak mengerti apapun.”

“Kamu mau bilang aku tidak berusaha selama ini? Aku sudah berusaha keras!” mataku memerah. Aku bisa merasakan amarah pada diriku, merasakan begitu besar rasa cintaku untuk laki-laki ini, dan juga merasakan kekecewaan yang teramat sangat.

“Berusaha apa, Shin Soowon-ah? Berusaha untuk dirimu sendiri, kan?”

“Kamu mau bilang kita seharusnya tidak begini? Mau bilang ini semua salahku?”

Junsu tidak menjawab. Aku menatap Junsu. Aku tidak kuat lagi. air mata akhirnya jatuh juga membasahi pipiku.

Junsu terus memejamkan matanya, tidak menjawab sepatah kata pun. Aku mengusap air mataku, berusaha mengatur napasku. “Aku tidak menyangka. Betul-betul tidak menyangka. Sekarang, setelah semua ini, kamu bilang aku tidak tahu apa-apa? Kamu mau bilang aku bukan kekasih yang baik? Kamu mau bilang aku tidak bisa apa-apa? Iya kan, Kim Junsu? Jawab aku!” Aku mengguncangkan bahu Junsu. Emosiku tidak terkendali.

Junsu berusaha mengatur napasnya. “Soowon-ah… sekarang… aku tidak tahu apa aku mencintaimu atau tidak…”

Aku tertegun sejenak. Aku tidak menyangka dengan apa yang baru saja aku dengar. “Oke, fine! Jadi kamu mau bagaimana sekarang, hah?”

“Entahlah. Aku pusing, aku mau pulang.”

“Kenapa kamu terus menggantung semua masalah, Kim Junsu?”

“Sudahlah Soowon! Aku lelah dengan semua ini! Aku lelah!”

“Kamu pikir aku tidak lelah dengan semua ini? Dengan berbagai masalah yang terus mengusikku dan tidak pernah terselesaikan? Sebenarnya apa yang kamu inginkan?”

“Aku ingin kita break saja dulu…”

“Jadi… kamu mau kita pisah? Kita hidup sendiri-sendiri… itu kan yang kamu mau?”

“Aku pergi dulu…” Junsu keluar dari apartemenku. Aku berusaha mengejarnya, tapi langkahku terhenti saat bus membawanya berlalu dari pandanganku. Tubuhku terasa lemas, tulang-tulangku sepertinya remuk.

Sudah berakhir…

Dan kami berdua terluka…

“Junsu-ah…” aku terbangun. Keringat membasahi tubuhku. Mimpi itu muncul lagi. Tuhan, kenapa?

mian kalo chapter 2 nya agak berantakan. saya juga sedang berantakan. harap maklumi... maaf buat salah-salah saya selama ini...
tapi, saya berharap kalian bisa menikmati usaha saya, meskipun sedikit...

Senin, 03 Desember 2012

Miss the Moment

Hwaaaaaaaaaa:(... Udah lumayan lama ga' ngebacot a.k.a curcol di Blog ini. Pengen banget sebenarnya share my stories, apapun itu, in this blog but I haven't had time to do that. Berhubung karena perjuangan hidup lagi keras (ngurursin skripsi) buat bisa menjadi salah satu sarjana di Program Wisuda bulan Desember tahun 2012 ini, saya dan para cutie readers harus bersabar beberapa saat yah. We really miss the moment, don't we? hehehe

Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012

I Miss You Chapter 1

#currentmood: :’(
#currentsong: Miss you – TVXQ

Cuaca lagi tidak menentu ini sejalan dengan pikiran yang kacau. Hualahhhh~, ga' ada kerjaan mending share cerita dede' lagi deh. 

Semoga viewer selalu tersenyum dan bahagia...


Title         : Miss You, Can You Feel That?
Author     : Yadd
Type        : Straight
Genre      : Romance
Cast         : Shin Soowon (author); Shin Jewon (Pippo itu Fifah); Shim Changmin (TVXQ member); Kim Junsu (TVXQ member)
Summary :  sungguh… aku sangat merindukanmu… Apa kamu juga merasakan hal yang sama?

Ada hal yang belum selesai di antara kita…
Bukan benci atau dendam… bukan… sungguh bukan itu.
Hal itu hanyalah sebuah tanda tanya besar mengapa kamu melakukan ini padaku?
Mengapa kamu meninggalkanku di saat aku sangat membutuhkanmu…?
Aku marah, kesal, kecewa…
Tapi, tahukah kamu, semua itu bisa tertutupi oleh kehangatan cinta yang masih menyala-nyala dalam hatiku?

Aku terus saja berdoa, semoga saja suatu saat nanti aku bisa mendengar suaramu lagi…
Semoga saja suatu saat nanti aku bisa melihat sosokmu lagi…
Aku menengadah ke langit, berharap kita melihat bulan yang sama, seperti yang pernah kamu katakan padaku dulu sekali…
Kemudian aku menutup mataku, berusaha memunculkan refleksi bayangmu di sisi…

Ya, mungkin aku ini terdengar sentimental atau seorang melankolis…
Tapi… sungguh… aku sangat merindukanmu…

Apa kamu juga merasakan hal yang sama?

“Aku pamit eonni!”

“Ne, hati-hati di jalan Soowon-ah!”


Aku menarik jaket dan tas ransel hitamku di sofa kemudian segera berlari menuju Audy RX-8ku yang sudah menunggu di depan rumah dan membawanya berlari secepat kilat. Hari ini aku harus mengumpulkan naskah baru ke penerbit, ya… sebut saja “Deadline”. Fyuuuh…

Oia, namaku Shin Soowon, 22 tahun, seorang penulis.

Setelah memarkir mobilku, aku segera bergegas menuju lantai 7.


Seorang wanita yang chubby berbalik saat aku memanggil namanya. “Soowon-ah…” balasnya.

“Ini…” kataku sambil menyodorkan sebuah amplop cabinet besar padanya.

“Oke! Naskah sudah masuk, on time!” katanya sambil mengacungkan jempol padaku, membuatku jadi cengengesan. “Besok kita bahas bersama ya, aku baca dulu.” Lanjutnya.

“Oke, nyonya editorku!” sahutku.

“Hahahahhaa… dasar! Terima kasih untuk kerja kerasnya ya… sekarang kamu bisa istirahat sambil memikirkan ide selanjutnya, nyonya penulisku…”

“Hohohohoho… kamu sedang balas menggodaku, ya?” balasku sambil menyenggolnya.

“May be…”


“Oia, sudah makan belum?”

“Wuah, mau mentraktirku ya? Kebetulan sekali aku belum makan dari kemarin!”

“Enak saja traktir! Aku juga belum makan siang.”

“Hyuuu, payah!”

“Terserahlah. Tapi Changmin mempromosikan sebuah restoran baru, katanya makanannya enak…”


“Iya. Aku mau coba makan di sana… kamu mau ikut tidak?”

“Emh… boleh!”

Aku dan Jewon pun berjalan menuju baby RX ku. Entah mengapa aku punya firasat aneh tentang restoran ini. Dan benar saja firasatku itu.

“Sudah sampai!” kata Jewon sambil keluar dari mobil. “Wuah… di depan ada pantai loh!”

Aku ikut keluar dan memandangi pantai itu… pantai itu… berbagai flashback segera muncul menyerang pikiranku…

“Hoi! Jangan melamun aja! Yuk masuk!” Suara Jewon dan tepukannya di bahuku berhasil membawaku ke alam sadar.

“Ah, iya…”

Kami pun berjalan beriringan memasuki restoran itu. sebuah restoran dengan desain unik, penuh budaya…

“Selamat datang di Restoran Indonesia…” sapa seorang pelayan pada kami. “Ini menunya, silahkan di lihat dulu, kalau sudah siap pesan, kami siap melayani…” lanjutnya sambil menyodorkan buku menu.

Ah, Indonesia ya? Pantas saja aku merasa tidak asing dengan suasana ini. sekedar tambahan, aku bukanlah asli berdarah Korea. Ayahku yang orang Korea menikah dengan ibuku yang merupakan wanita asal Indonesia. Aku pernah sekali ke sana, waktu itu aku masih berumur 5 tahun.

“Kamu mau pesan apa, Soowon-ah?”

Aku melihat daftar menu, mencari makanan yang dulu selalu ibu buatkan untukku… “Emh… Bakso!”

“Bakso? Emh… kalau begitu aku tidak boleh memesannya.”


“Kan lebih bagus kalau kita makannya bervariasi…”

“Ah, betul juga…”

“Aku pesan sate ayam saja…”

Setelah menentukan pesanan, seorang pelayanpun menghampiri kami dan mulai mencatatnya. Beberapa menit kemudian dia kembali membawa pesanan kami.

Drrtttt… Drrtttt….

“Jewon-ah, hapemu bergetar…”

“Ah… Changmin…” katanya begitu melihat handphonenya kemudian mengangkatnya dengan terburu-buru. “Ya, Chagiya? Aku sedang makan bersama Soowon. Di restoran yang kamu rekomendasikan. Apa? Ooh… baiklah… oke! Bye Chagiya…”


“Changmin mau mengajakku keluar…”

“Wuah, enaknya yang punya pacar~!” godaku

“Kamu sih, jomblo terus! Cari pacar juga kalau iri! Lagian tuh banyak kok yang mau sama kamu!”

Pacar ya? Aku hanya tersenyum kecut. “Aku tidak tertarik.”

“Mau jadi perawan tua, hah?”


“Ckckckck… dasar kamu ini!”

“Hehehehe… oia, bagaimana dengan Changmin? Aku antar ke kantor atau bagaimana?”

“Katanya dia sedang menuju ke mari…”

“Oh, jadi jasa supirku sudah tidak dibutuhkan lagi, ya? Hiks… hiks…”

“Ayolah… jangan begitu! Lagi pula kamu ini sahabatku sejak kuliah, bukan supir!”

“Hehehehehe… begitu ya?”

“Memangnya bukan ya?”

“Iya, iya… Shin Jewon, sahabatku tersayang!”

Beberapa saat kemudian Changmin sudah menculik Jewon dari hadapanku. Hyuuu~
Aku pun memutuskan untuk pergi dari restoran itu. tapi begitu membuka pintu, langkahku terhenti dengan mata yang terpaku pada hamparan pantai… mataku jadi panas dan buram, pipiku mulai basah…



demikian chapter 1nya... gantung ya? maaf, emang sengaja... hehehehe XDD

jangan lupa BCL ya cutie readers, soalnya itu bisa nambah kekuatan author saat ini... biar FF nya juga nggak ngestuck~ oke oke?

please, dont be a silent reader...^^ *membungkuk dalam-dalam

kim junsu

sim changmin

Senin, 08 Oktober 2012

Toward Big Bang concert in Indonesia, hiks~ :'(

Hwaaaa ~, Eike galauuuu ... :'(

How not, the Big Bang concert will be held October 12 to 13later in the Eyes of the Eagle, Jakarta. While I can not participate. Though the concert will take place over two days and it was definitely very exciting moment. Of course, fun!!! Concert Big Bang and 2NE1 definitely always exciting. All the concerts I've ever watched nothing not exciting, their concept is different from other boy bands and girl bands. Well, to begin my turmoil, this time I will share information about Bigbang and 2NE1 . Later when already close to Big Bang concert, new information again will be informed about their progress in preparing their next concert in Indonesia. Okay guys, check this out ...

Tahun terbentuk : 2006 
Asal group : Seoul, Korea Selatan 
Terkenal sejak merilis single "Lies" (2007)

Agency : YG Entertainment
Debut : 2006
Genre Of song : K-Pop, Dance, Hip Hop

Bang is ig famous Korean boy band known for their song Hip Hop as well as their fashionable style. Under the care of YG Entertainment, Big Bang possessed 5 personnel (Smaller numbers are odd yah), which is G-Dragon, TOP, Taeyang (SOL), Daesung (D-Lite), Seungri (VI).

Originally GDragon and Taeyang integrated into a duo band. But the CEO (D Appa) Boy band wants that cute face is not transfixed by the members, but to diminish the impression of cute with talented that really exist. And formed the Big Bang.


Real name: Kwon Ji Yong (권지용)
Date of Birth: August 18, 1988
Education: Seoul Korean Traditional Arts Middle & High School
Position: Leader, rapper, lyricist, songwriter
Hobbies: drawing and listening to music
Blood Type: A
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 54 Kg
Likes: Donuts, Fashion, Dogs, Cars, The book (whether comic or Poetry), and like to see his own picture.
Personality: He is calm but can illuminate the hearts of people around him, fast reflexes, gini-gini high esteem loh. He was also very fond and proud of himself. Hehehe

after the formation of BIGBANG, YG entertaiment presented a necklace in each personnel BIGBANG different and have different meanings ... A bball cap (GD favorite style head covering) on a star meaning "to be a big star in the music industry.

G-Dragon began his career as a young artist Hip Hop in hopes of resembling the popularity and success of Lil Romeo and Lil Bow Wow. He is also a model. However, he could not get the album and can only be limited to collaborating with other YG artists on their album.

In January 2001, GD debuted on the compilation album Daehanmingook Hip-Hop Flex as a rapper. After his debut, he was recruited along with Tae Yang to act in JinuSean's mv as mini JinuSean, which was released in February of the same year. Then GD started training planned to issue a debut as one of the hip-hop duo GDYB.

During that time, he was a friend in duet songs sung by Perry, Se7en, Wheesung, YG Family and Masta Wu. He also has acting talent no doubt, he's a lot of acting in many music videos and appearing entertainment YG artists directly with Swi.T, Lexy, JinuSean and YG Family. He also performed in concert with Wheesung, Gummy and Se7en and in the annual concert diadakanYG Family's.

From everyone, GD was closest to YG and Perry, and his relationship with Hyun Suk even described as "father and son". GDYB released 2 songs on YG family's second album, but never debut or released an album. In 2004, GD and Tae Yang were both listed as YG new faces and scheduled to debut that year.

However, Hyun Suk announced that their debut was canceled in order to form four of the six members of the group. It took until 2006 for BIG BANG to be officially announced via The BIG BANG Documentary Reality Show. Meanwhile, GDYB featured in Se7en album and performed with him at the World Cup.

After graduating from high school, he decided to wait a year before applying to college, and take the college entrance exam in the fall of 2007. G-Dragon is the leader of BIG BANG. He is also a rapper and vocalist, and will form the BIG BANG's releases with the help of Hyun Suk since the beginning. He also wrote a lot of lyrics and recently started writing songs and download arrangements.

  • has tattoos on arms: right is "vita dolce" meaning sweet life in Italian and "moderato" on his left meaning moderate (a musical term) done on May 2007 by Carey Heart (husband of U.S. artist Pink) at famous tattoo parlor called "Hart & Hurtington Tattoo Parlor" at Palms Casino in Las Vegas.
  • "G-Dragon" comes from the original name "Ji Yong" because Yong means "dragon" and Ji sounds just like a "G".
  • People called him "Kwon Leader".
  • G-Dragon's older sister named Dami has online clothing store called "Style Love" or "Style Luv".
  • Originally a song called "Lies" will be a solo song GD, but in the end they decided to sing as a group.
  • GD childhood friend of Super Junior Kangin

Real name: Choi Seung Hyun (최승현)
Date of Birth: 4 November 1987
Education: Seoul Art College (majoring in music)
Position: rapper, beat boxer, songwriter
Hobbies: Reading and Swimming
Blood Type: B
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 65 Kg
Likes: Performing Musical, Theater, Fashion Designers ama.
People who admired: Usher, Omarion, Jay-Z, and B2K
Personality: a good spokesman, but he's very stubborn than the other members of Big Bang. He's the type of Narsis person, which likes to think of himself cool (though that's true). But he also said if he was shy, and calm (so' Jaim). And he doesn't like things that are complicated, and the members of Big Bang who has a sense of humor.

A hand holding a megaphone with a Superman style diamond behind it meaning "to inspire people with a voice and become big"

Even though BIG BANG is listed as his debut, TOP rap since middle school under the name Tempo. He started doing gigs in underground clubs, sometimes with an older friend, NBK Gray. They never sign a label or released an album. "Buckwild", one of their songs on the internet with mp3 format. Unlike the other members of Big Bang, TOP is not trained to be a singer. The only part of singing so far is at the beginning of "He Can not Get Enough". He himself often got an offer on the TV show, either as a guest or MC. In August 2007, he started acting in the drama "I Am Sam". In the summer of 2007, he also appeared as an actor in Red Rock's "Hello" MV.

  • voted # 41 on MNET's 2007's 100 Must haves
  • Oldest member of BIG BANG
  • He likes to sleep with layered clothing - layers
  • Itself first appeared on TV shows (Happy Share Company)
  • Playing as one of the main roles in the Korean dramas (I Am Sam)
  • He has a pink bed and he is very like it
  • He performed one of the clubs in the Gangnam 2002 ~ 2005
  • KBS we like radio. Rap battle 2003 winner.
  • Shown with Starz 2004
  • Famous singer "Se7en" pick a name for her TOP
  • Having both Gummy and TOP's nickname is 'Siberian Husky'.

Stage name: Seung Ri, V.I
Small Name: V & Victory
Real name: Lee Seung Hyun (이승현)
Date of Birth: December 12, 1990
Position: vocalist, choreographer
Hobbies: take pictures ria, dance. Watching comedy films
Blood Type: A
Height: 174 cm
Weight: 57 Kg
Likes: Like learning a foreign language.
People who admired: Justin Timberlake & Omarion
Personality: He is quite mature so even the youngest of all the members of Big Bang, because of blood type A, he includes personal shy, and like to save yourself the problem.

A planet surrounded by rings. Looks kind of like Saturn. "A new style of music is put in the music industry.

Seung Ri is from Kwangjoo, the sixth major city in Korea. As we can see in the Big Bang Documentary, he traveled back and forth with Meakan long time. Before Big Bang, he was a member of Ilhwan, a dance team Kwangjoo. In summer 2005, Seung Ri appeared on an episode of Battle Shinhwa, a TV show to find the second Shinhwa (a famous boyband) through auditions.

  • He was the youngest member of Big Bang.
  • Compete with So-1 (former member) in order to remain a group.
  • Sharing a bedroom with DS in new apartment.
  • Being in Kwandju dance team "II Hwa"
  • Sometimes often called Baby Panda Panda for dark circles under her eyes.
  • Parting with M. Net Battle of Shinwa June ~ August 2005
  • Being on the dance team Kwandju dance team "II Hwa"
  • Got pictures of him and ex-gf featured in a skit on DVD concert REA.
  • Favorite song for karaoke is "Look at the photo [Vibe]"
  • SR's highest score in high school at 85%
  • SR's value at the time in junior high school 81%
  • Other members who gave the nickname "Mek Ggeum (Mood Killer)" because SR likes to break the mood to another.

Stage name: Sung Dae, D-Lite 
Real name: Kang Dae Sung (강대성) 
Date of Birth: 26 April 1989 
Education: High School KyeongIn 
Position: Vocalist 
Hobbies: Watching BB documentary (wat), and of course watching doraemon. 
Blood Type: O 
Height: 173 cm 
Weight: 63 Kg 
Likes: Doraemon, Rap 
People who admired: Usher, Omarion, Ne-Yo, and Wheesung 
Personality: People who can brighten mood around him, the cute dri all members of the Big Bang, is also the most cheerful and humorous.

A pair of headphones surrounding the globe, which means "to let the world hear his music."

Dae Sung was recruited in an audition, and even though he was jokingly known as "unpretty boy" among the staff, he turned out to be the most popular member. During the training, he had to do vocal training with Wheesung, one of his favorite artists. Wheesung also helped other members of BIGBANG. While training, he was diagnosed with vocal cord nodules (a mass of tissue that grows on the vocal cords causing human speech to be difficult), which are common among singers and caused by strains on the vocal cords. They are increasingly worried about the fall of 2006 and DS had to undergo treatment soon before BIGBANG released their second single. Thankfully, Gummy, who had experienced the same problem, helped Dae Sung recover and keep an eye condition. Since then their friends. Gummy was the one who said "hello" in Korean MV "Lies". In April 2007, Dae Sung decided to quit high school to focus full-time on Big Bang, but expressed a desire to pass the college entrance examination in the future. In October 2007, Dae Sung was featured in singer Nemo's "Ije, Oori ..." (이제, 우리 ..) [Now We] digital single. This is the first M-Boat/YG collaboration since the split of their partnership some months earlier.

  • He was obsessed with the Japanese cartoon character Doraemon, and he has many Doraemon items.
  • Before that he called ugly but now he has become one of the most popular members of the group.
  • He was known as a genius comedian to play on words - words.
  • If he had not become a singer she will learn to the university entrance exam, a baseball player or a pastor.

Stage name: Tae Yang, SOL
First name: YB Taekwon
Real name: Dong Young Bae (동영배
Date of Birth: May 18, 1988
Position: vocalist, choreographer
Hobbies: Gardening, listening to music, watching TV
Blood Type: AB
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 56 kg
Likes: church (?), Comics, and summer.
People who admired: Usher, Omarion, Justin
Personality: Despite fierce face, but he does not like to fight, he'll talk first about what his missing, Type Friends confide in a trusted. The type of people who want to be more successful.

A sun (Taeyang is korean for 'sun') which has a crown on top and "YB" in the middle meaning "to become the best in the music industry.

Taeyang was a child actor since grade 5. He was recruited to play the part of mini Sean in JinuSean's "A-Yo" MV. After that, he auditioned to join YG Family, who have been impressed by JinuSean. Chosen stage name was YB Taekwon him, which is one reference to JinuSean's Taekwon V album or to the giant robot Taekwon V. He Nge-rap debut in YG Family's second album in 2002. In 2003, he participated in Wheesung's second album, Nge-rap on the track Player. He performed with JinuSean, Swi.T, Lexy, Mr. Wu, Se7en and YG Family, and took part in Wheesung, Gummy, Se7en and YG Family One concerts.He scheduled to debut with G-Dragon as GDYB (for G-Dragon & YB Taekwon) in 2004, but never released a debut or album. Hyun Suk announced that their debut was canceled in order to form a four-to-six-member. Although previously he trained to be a rapper and wanted to sing solo, debuted in Big Bang as a singer. He's been studying Japanese for three years, since 2004, in preparation for Big Bang's debut in the country of Japan. After graduating high school, he and G-Dragon decided to take a year off before applying for college. He has been accepted at the University of Daejin in theater and film department in 2008, and has mentioned wanting to become an actor. His first kiss happened in the making of the film Ma Girl music video, when it took an artist and a kiss. Hyun Suk mentioned in the messages that Taeyang will have a solo single, as a reward for the hard work Tae. scheduled for the month of September 2007.

  • Before BIG BANG was formed, Tae Yang and his bandmate G-Dragon were known as "G-Dragon & YB Tae Kwon." They have performed as a duo at concerts such as 'Se7en's'. First Se7en as a rapper and backup dancer.
  • Has been working with YG Family during conceited - years
  • First kiss while filming "Ma Girl" MV
  • First appeared in A-Yo MV as little JinuSean
  • He was considered "poor" by the other members of BIGBANG (as always solve the problem by talking)
  • At grade 5 he took acting classes.
  • Auditioned for JinuSean's MV
  • Auditioned for YG after meeting with Jinu Sean.
  • YB always take the Bible and it reflects the confidence that he holds.
  • Favorite song at karaoke is "Incomplete"
  • When TY MV filming "Ma Girl" she said with another BIGBANG member, "hyungs! Dead I! I kissed a girl!"
  • TY's most precious belonging is a piano because his mother had bought it, since then TY can play the piano and love music.
  • YB never wear and Eye Brow Ring can be seen in the documentary & first single.

Album & Single

Korean Album (Album & Mini Album)

(The First Single Album) Released August 28 , 2006
1. Put Your Hands Up (Intro)
2. We Belong Together (Featuring Park Bom)
3. A Fool’s Only Tears
4. This Love (G-Dragon’s Solo)

(Big Bang is V.I.P) Released September 28, 2006
1. La La La
2. My Girl (Taeyang’s Solo)
3. V.I.P
4. La La La (Instrumental)

(BIG BANG 03) Released November 21, 2006
1. Victory (Intro)
3. Forever With You (featuring Park Bom)
4. Goodbye Baby
5. Try Smiling (Daesung’s Solo)

(Volume. 1 Since 2007) Released December 21 , 2006
1. Big Bang (Intro)
2. She Can’t Get Enough
3. Dirty Cash
4. Next Day (Seungri’s Solo)
5. BIG BOY (TOP’s Solo)
6. Shake It
7. A Fool’s Only Tears
8. My Girl (Taeyang’s Solo)
9. La La La
10. This Love (G-Dragon’s Solo)
11. Try Smiling (Daesung’s Solo)

(Always) Released August 16 , 2007
1. We Are Big Bang (Intro)
2. Lie
3. Wrong Number
4. As If Nothing’s Wrong (TOP’s Solo)
5. Oh My Baby
6. Always

Hot Issue (November 22, 2007)
1. Hot Issue (Intro)
2. Fool
3. But I Love You (G-Dragon’s Solo)
4. I Don’t Understand
5. Crazy Dog
6. Last Farewell

Stand Up (August 8, 2008)
1. Stand Up (Intro)
2. Day By Day (Haru Haru)
3. Heaven
4. A Good Man
5. Lady
6. Oh My Friend (Feat. No Brain)

Remember (November 5, 2008)
1. Everybody Scream (Intro)
2. Oh Ah Oh
3. Sunset Glow
4. Sparkling Sparkling
5. Strong Baby (Seungri’s Solo)
6. Wonderful
7. Foolish Love
8. Day After Day (Haru Haru, Acoustic Version)
9. Lies (Remix)
10. Last Farewell (Remix)
11. Remember (Korean Version)
Japanese Album (Album & Mini Album)

For the World (January 4th, 2008)
1. V.I.P – Intro (English version)
2. Big Bang – (English version)
3. How Gee – (English)
4. Lies – (English version)
5. So Beautiful – (English version of ‘Wrong Number’)
6. La La La – (English version)
7. Together Forever – (English version of ‘A Fool’s Only Tears’)
8. Always – (English version)

With U (May 28th, 2008)
1. Gotta Be With U – Intro
2. With U
3. Baby Baby – (English version of ‘Last Farewell’)
4. This Love – G-Dragon
5. Mad About You – (English/Japanese version of ‘Fool’)
6. We Belong Together – (English version feat. Park Bom)
7. Shake It – (English version of ‘Shake It’ feat. Ji Eun)
8. My Girl – Taeayang (Japanese version)

Number 1 (October 22nd, 2008)
1. Number 1 – Intro
2. Number 1
3. Make Love – (English version)
4. Come Be My Lady
5. Day by Day – (Haru Haru)
6. With U
7. How Gee
8. Baby Baby – (English version of ‘Last Farewell’)
9. So Beautiful – (English version of ‘Wrong Number’)
10. Remember
11. Heaven
12. Everything
13. Always – (English version)
14. Candle – (Japanese version of ‘Together Forever’)

My Heaven (June 24th, 2009)
1. My Heaven (Japanese version)
2. Emotion
3. Candle – (Michitomo remix)

Gara Gara GO!! (July 8th, 2009)
1. Gara Gara GO!!
2. Top of the World
3. Stylish

Big Bang (August 19th, 2009)
1. Intro
2. Gara Gara Go!!
3. Bringing You Love
4. My Heaven (Japanese version)
5. Stay
6. Top of the World
7. Follow Me
8. Baby Baby (Japanese version)
9. Emotion
10. Love Club
11. Always (Japanese version)

Let Me Hear Your Voice (November 4th, 2009)
1. Let Me Hear Your Voice
2. Ora Yeah!
3. Let Me Hear Your Voice – (Acoustic version)
4. Let Me Hear Your Voice – (Club mix)
Tell Me Goodbye (July 9th, 2010)
1. Tell Me Goodbye
2. Hands Up
3. Tell Me Goodbye Remix

And Alive is the fifth extended played Big Bang
1."Alive" (Intro)G-DragonTeddyDee.P, G-Dragon, TeddyDee.P0:48
2."Blue"  G-Dragon, Teddy, T.O.PTeddy, G-DragonTeddy3:53
3."Love Dust" (사랑먼지; Sarangmeonji)G-Dragon, Teddy, T.O.PG-Dragon, TeddyTeddy3:52
4."Bad Boy"  G-Dragon, T.O.PG-Dragon, Choice 37Choice 373:57
5."Ain't No Fun" (재미없어; Jaemieobseo)G-Dragon, T.O.PG-Dragon, DJ Murf, PeejayDJ Murf, Peejay3:42
6."Fantastic Baby"  G-Dragon, T.O.PTeddy, G-DragonTeddy3:51
7."Wings" (날개; Nalgae) (Daesung solo)G-Dragon, DaesungG-Dragon, Choi Pil KangChoi Pil Kang3:43

Oh my God, it's mostly writing turns. If so, post about 2NE1 delayed into my next post. Okay, see you again soon ... * goodbye *